Bustfull for breast augmentation: how I increased my breast size to 2 cup sizes in a week

Bustfull for breast augmentation: how I increased my breast size to 2 cup sizes in a week

I finally managed to increase my breast size to 2 cup sizes in a week at home


Do you remember that a year ago I told you I didn’t like my small breasts and I asked for your advice as I wanted to know how to make it bigger?

Well, I tried all the things you advised – gels, pills, subliminal visual stimuli and so on. THAT’S ALL CRAP. It doesn’t work. My breast didn’t get any bigger. It’s no use.

I was even almost ready to put up with it. No one in my family has big boobs. Everyone’s got flat chest, nothing but members of the IBTC :-)

So, I decided to give up the idea and just forget it.


Bustfull for breast augmentation: how I increased my breast size to 2 cup sizes in a week

Am I finally lucky to find the solution?!

One day I was browsing blogs on the internet and came across a blog where a girl somehow managed to increase her breast size HERSELF AT HOME in 5 days using Bustfull gel! Naturally, I was very interested and I studied everything in detail.

At first, I didn’t really believe in that because of all that stuff they advertise on TV…but the girl was quite respected among her readers and other bloggers. So, I decided to trust her advice.

I ordered the bust gel, it came by mail order a few days later, cash on delivery. I unpacked everything at once, read the directions and started using it.


What were the results? Has the breast size increased?

I used the gel every day. Ready for a surprise? 5 days later I measured my breast and my jaw dropped!!! My breast BECAME 2 SIZES BIGGER!!! In 5 days!!!!! Can you believe it??? I just couldn’t believe my eyes and I measured it several times more, it was +2 sizes, no mistake!!! I thought I’d gone crazy but it was all true! I can’t describe how happy I was. The last time I was so happy was maybe 20 years ago :)

I stopped using the gel because I consider size C to be the perfect size, the “golden” mean. I don’t want bigger breasts, so that there would be no “spaniel ears” waiting for me in the future.


  1. For breast enhancement (0 up to 5 sizes)
  2. For sagging breast (after childbirth and losing weight)
  3. For use before the childbirth to avoid the stretch marks

Bustfull for breast augmentation: how I increased my breast size to 2 cup sizes in a week

I wasn’t surprised when everyone at work noticed that my breasts suddenly became a lot bigger, so they began asking questions… I gave the most pessimistic girl who believed that I had had a boob job the link to the website, where I ordered the gel. Two weeks later my colleague rushed into the office with happy mad eyes as though she’d won a million dollars – it turned out that her breast size increased in a week too (she waited a week for delivery)! Now the gel is extremely popular in the whole office :)))

Sure enough, since then my life changed. I’ve got lots of admirers, men just can’t help but compliment me! Now I’m used to receiving plenty of attention but it’s still so nice to have it! It makes me feel so good) My boss decided to give me a raise. I don’t know whether my new breast size has anything to do with it :)

I’m extremely happy that my problem is gone at last. After I increased my breast size I realized that for some reason most of us consider the simplest things to be the least effective ones. That’s why our problems tend to go too far. But not everything has to be complicated. You can make your breasts bigger naturally and fast. Tested by me!

  • Instant Push-up effect!
  • Natural breast enlargement by 2 cup sizes!


I bought Bustfull gel after the birth and breastfeeding of my second child. What can I say: the gel definitely works, my husband noticed it. I bought it together with my friends and their reviews are almost the same as mine)) The tube lasted for a month, it was enough for me though I used it every day. The result could be seen in 2-3 weeks, my bust became fuller…the manufacturer says that the gel contains juice of a herb which boosts local fat deposit. Since breast is basically a layer of fat and glandular tissue, the fat layer is undoubtedly the main thing here!!! What else, after I stopped using it there were no further dramatic changes, but I think you can be psychologically addicted to it))) it gets kind of scary, you start to think that if you stop it will just shrink back))) that’s why after a while I purchased another tube. What can I say, if you can afford this gel financially, don’t hesitate!

Kathy Bermudo

I’m writing about the best breast enlarging gel I’ve ever tried.There were plenty: Evelin, Mama Comfort, Maxi Bust, Venus. The leader is undoubtedly Bustfull gel. Its price is good and it is sold only on the internet on this website . I think it is the only minus. Now about its effect. This gel really makes breasts bigger. But at the same time, it doesn’t provoke swelling, like Evelin does, and it isn’t a simple skin care product for breast like Venus. It enlarges breast without any special exercises or nutrition, though as a rule only these things help make breast bigger, it increased by 2-3 inches. This gel produces such an effect within 1-2 weeks! At first, I couldn’t even believe my eyes! Then I was thrilled!

Mariel Dacapias

I heard a lot of positive things about this very gel, it’s not expensive and of a good quality. I ordered it a week ago, decided to try it myself) In fact, in my opinion, cosmetics for breast should be only natural… Bustfull gel only proves this fact. The gel contains natural components I started using it and I can already see my breasts are lifted and became firm… I think I’ll achieve a stable C-cup within a month and a half)

Sheryll Monte


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